For the 1st times in the history of the Top 50 Showcase, we will be hosting a one of a kind coaches clinic. honored to have Coach Kris Ganeff from prestiges University of Notre Dame and coming off her 23rd year at University of Notre Dame. Coach Melissa Frost fresh off a NCAA D ll World Series appearance and a record setting season which she was able to surpass 800 career victories as a Head Coach. Coach Stacey Goyette just finished her inaugural season at Earlham College in a program which she is the 1st coach and is building from ground up. We are This coaches clinic will provide Travel Team coaches with the tools to prepare their team when limited to 1 or 2 practices per week. Most coaches clinics are geared toward teams that have 5 to 6 days of practice together per week.
We will cover team defensive skills, team offense skills, Mental Preparation, Nutrition, Weight Training and Recruiting.